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Experience speed like never before with our pre-built agents.

Not sure which AI solution is right for your business? Explore our pre-built AI agents designed to solve specific challenges with speed and precision.

Meet Sparky, he is an AI agent, designed by EfficusAI to generate leads for digital agencies.

Sparky excels in SEO, websites and analysing your competitors, analysing anything in under 5 minutes and emailing the results to users. This insightful analysis incentivises leads to provide their details.

Image of Sparky, a small, yellow-themed AI robot with a friendly, approachable design, representing EfficusAI's AI agent for generating leads and providing website analysis

Automatically get leads and only pay for the results

Image of Sparky, a small, yellow-themed AI robot with a friendly, approachable design, representing EfficusAI's AI agent for generating leads and providing website analysis

Sparky - AI Lead Gen Agent


Spec My Sparky
Sparky will:

Be branded to your agency

Answer users questions

Have a custom email account for personalisation

Capture lead's details & send to sheet

Follow up with CTA & calendar link

Notify you when you get a new lead

Use reliable SEO tools like Ahrefs, Semrush and more

Perform a competitor analysis (optional)

Conduct his analysis fast (2-3 minutes)

Meet Nexo, an AI Agent by EfficusAI to Automate and Amplify LinkedIn Success.

Nexo excels in social media and content marketing, curating the latest industry insights for high-quality posts. He engages and grows your audience, generating warm leads while managing outreach and ad campaigns—all fully automated, allowing you to focus on expanding your business.

Image of Nexo, a sleek, futuristic AI robot designed to manage and grow LinkedIn accounts autonomously, representing EfficusAI's powerful AI agent for social media management and lead generation.

Automatically grow you online presence

Image of Nexo, a sleek, futuristic AI robot designed to manage and grow LinkedIn accounts autonomously, representing EfficusAI's powerful AI agent for social media management and lead generation.
Coming Soon

Nexo - Linkedin Co-pilot


Additional ongoing costs may apply

Make an Inquiry
Nexo will:

Be fully trained as a part of your team

Real-time search for accurate posts

Use proven content marketing strategies

Reach out to leads and connections automatically

Run ad campaigns

Return analytics and updates for improvement

Continuously improve and adapt Himself